Imagine for a few minutes, you are in your early twenties, your expertise is film making, your taste in music is hip hop and r&b, you get a call from a friend who has a feature with a major artist and they want you to shoot their next video. They take you to Atlanta to Galaxy Studios and you see a decked out room with a wall to wall green screen, Now this your chance to turn the screen into a creative product which will push their single to a broader audience, What do you do next? Stuck? This would be a task for NV of NVisions, a Austin ran business!
NV is a full-time dad juggling the responsibilities of parenting his son and as well as his own company N Visions. He is a music producer, graphic designer, video director, and photographer; as you can see he wears many hats. NV says what he like most about running N Visions is the fact that he has control over his own operation. A typical day for NV consists of a lot; he starts off with making phones calls, then some beat making intertwined with some track mastering, after that he might mix in some video editing which takes on average a week for him to finish a single project. Finally, he is back to answering his phone and replying to customers
Recently Nv shot the video I Got ‘Em for the Wat Dat Iz project. He says his main focus was making sure that the colors and visuals told the story to go with the song. NV says that he hopes all his videos reach their full potential. “BET, MTV or some other music network would be nice, but as long as the videos fulfill what the artist wanted I’m happy.” Says NV, he says he’s not really worried about awards now, he still feels he’s still developing in many ways. He doesn’t do it for the recognition or the glory, but because he simply loves everything that he does. NV is out to be the “Next Best Thing.” His upcoming projects consist of 2 video shoots with Chalie Boy and as metioned earlier he has already shot a video for Asylum artist “Nook” and the “Ying Yang Twins” ( I’m On It ) .Keep a look out for the NVisions logo because you might see it on your fav. rappers next video.
Seeing how this is the Wat Dat Iz website, NV had this to say about the Wat Dat Iz project. “I like the Wat Dat Iz project. I hope it stays humble and keep giving that recognition to artists that don’t really get the recognition they deserve. I would like to see it move toward showcasing more genres, not just rap. Get the other music genres in Austin to be a part of this project.” Stay tuned for more from NV and NVisions, if you want to know more about NV just checkout these links.
Nook feat The Ying Yang Twins ( I'm On It )
or hit up his facebook page which is
Article written by Jay Michael Rojas and Aaron Knight